Breathing Skills
Mouth closed underwater
Blowing mouth bubbles
Open eyes underwater
Body Positioning Skills
Comfortable in Front Float (face in water)
Relaxed on back - Back Float with help
Comfortable submersions
Intro to Rolling
Intro to wearing goggles
Arm Pattern Skills
Superman Float - arms straight in front when floating on belly
Superman Arms with Straight leg (Flutter) Kick
Intro to Monkey, Tree, Rocket Arms - while in Back Float
Leg Pattern Skills
Straight leg (Flutter) Kick - straight legs instead of bicycling legs
Relaxed legs in Back Float
Safety/Advanced Skills
Listens to Teacher and follows most directions.
Does not cry
Staying on their chair
Waits for "Ready, Set, Go" prompt
Will grab objects underwater - 3ft. deep
Pencil Jumps
SAFETY DAY: Lifeguards & Life jackets
Contact us!
Star Fish Swim School
Kelli Dunfee, Aquatic Director
Phone: (509) 783-5465 x123